  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    MSc – Part Time, 3 Years

    MSc – Full Time, 2 Years

Masters Degree Description

What is Advanced Professional Practice MSc?

The MSc Advanced Professional Practice (APP) runs parallel to the MSc Advanced Clinical Practice (ACP) and has been designed to meet the academic and clinical practice development needs of practitioners from a range of health, social care and allied health services professions.

We’ll encourage you to look beyond your professional field to theory from a range of other disciplines – including sociology, philosophy, psychology and the law. You’ll gain the tools to challenge embedded norms and have an in-depth awareness of local, national and international issues which may impact upon your advanced professional practice. Through a range of compulsory and optional modules, you’ll accomplish competent and confident inquiry that will underpin your future evidence-based and advanced practice.

We recognise you may already have a portfolio of Continuing Professional Development (including clinically focused level 7 modules from the University of Gloucestershire and other universities), but not yet had the opportunity to register for a full Master’s level award.

You’ll have the potential to transfer credit into the programme providing a coherent route to completing an MSc Advanced Professional Practice.

Study Style

A range of learning and teaching methods are used across the MSc Advanced Professional Practice. University based contact days will engage methods such as practical skills sessions; seminar discussions; service-user led sessions; enquiry and problem-based learning; key-note lectures; student led seminars; critical incident reviews and tutorials. Teaching and learning will also be consolidated by a range of on-line provision such as recommended reading; quizzes; discussion forums; clinical scenarios.

  • Our ‘Moodle’ virtual learning environment is used to support learning.
  • You can undertake ‘standalone’ modules after discussion with the Academic Course Leader.
  • Each 15 CAT module requires 5 university contact days, 9.15am – 16.15pm, which are spaced across the duration of the module.

Entry Requirements

To study this course you must be a registered UK healthcare professional from any discipline with a track record of delivering high-quality healthcare and having a positive impact on clinical practice. Ideally, you will be working in a band 7 level clinical post, however, we will also consider clinicians working in band 6 posts with appropriate experience and clinical impact. You should also demonstrate that you have a robust, significant and appropriately varied clinical practice experience.

You should be employed in a relevant professional role with full employer support and agreement from a suitable UK workplace clinical mentor for the duration of the course to oversee the transition into an advanced practitioner.

Students should demonstrate aspiration and desire to enhance patient experience and outcomes with innovative healthcare solutions.

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