  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    MSc – Part Time, 3 Years

    MSc – Full Time, 2 Years

Masters Degree Description

What is Advanced Clinical Practice?

This programme enables experienced healthcare professionals to develop skills and knowledge inherent to the core and specialist capabilities and competencies across the four pillars of Advanced Clinical Practice: clinical practice, leadership and management, education and research.

The Master’s programme supports students throughout their transformation journey towards advanced clinical practice. It supports the workforce development needs of contemporary healthcare providers, while also taking into account the learning, teaching and quality assurance required of Master’s level study.

Study Style

You’ll develop the confidence, mastery and skills to become leaders within clinical practice, promoting and enabling patient-centred care, innovative treatment models and clinical effectiveness. Critical reflection on the patient care provided within a political, social and environmental context, utilising knowledge of public health data of patients in their clinical area, is at the core of our course. You’ll learn to engage with an increased complexity of clinical decision making, arriving at safe and well justifiable outcomes.

The modules within this course are designed to support health and social care practitioners as they make the transformation into advanced clinical practitioners. The use of a portfolio throughout the course supports and demonstrates your professional development. Modules are mapped against national standards for advancing practice, focusing on the four pillars of education, clinical practice, research and leadership. You’ll critically explore, evaluate and apply theory from the classroom into clinical practice, reflecting upon, and identifying your own learning needs in order to enhance your practice in the workplace.

Use innovative models of care to develop personal and professional skills to overcome workplace challenges within our evolving NHS. Delivered by an experienced advanced clinical practitioner the curriculum is designed to take students on a journey of transformation towards advanced practice. You’ll be supported to expand the boundaries of your current scope of practice with the aim of providing an enhanced, clinically effective, service for their patients.

Entry Requirements

To study this course you must be a registered UK healthcare professional from any discipline with a track record of delivering high-quality healthcare and having a positive impact on clinical practice. Ideally, you will be working in a band 7 level clinical post, however, we will also consider clinicians working in band 6 posts with appropriate experience and clinical impact. You should also demonstrate that you have a robust, significant and appropriately varied clinical practice experience.

You should be employed in a relevant professional role with full employer support and agreement from a suitable UK workplace clinical mentor for the duration of the course to oversee the transition into an advanced practitioner.

Students should demonstrate aspiration and desire to enhance patient experience and outcomes with innovative healthcare solutions.

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