
Landing a job at Dyson – MSc in International Management student Ysabel Jana Dela Rosa


MSc in International Management student Ysabel Jana Dela Rosa on getting hands-on careers support and how this helped her get a job at Dyson.

Enhancing my employment prospects while making global connections

I initially visited the University because of the reputation of the School of Management, particularly their careers team. I knew the University of Bath would help me build my network and enhance my employment prospects.

The promise of being able to learn with a diverse range of nationalities was also a major reason why I chose to study here. We all come from different countries, academic backgrounds and professional experiences. You don’t get that opportunity at most other universities.

Keeping really busy

The course keeps us really busy. We have corporate networking events, guest lectures from industry experts and business competitions. We have two-hour lectures for each module, and a compulsory seminar every other week. You can also expect a lot of group work assignments. But you’re also given time for self-study.

Our professors are really invested in helping us achieve our goals. My business ethics professor encouraged us to enter our essays into national competitions. With his help, I entered the PRME Writing Competition and came third.

Lots of practical experience

The MSc in International Management attracted me because it combines practical experiences with developing understanding of the increasingly globalised marketplace.

I really enjoyed the Practice Track because it gave us the opportunity to take part in something other than a standard dissertation. We had the opportunity to present our own findings on gender diversity and pay and reward strategies to Deloitte. We also organised fundraisers around Bath for a local children’s charity. What made the Practice Track stand out compared to writing a dissertation is that we benefitted from putting our academic knowledge into practice. We also got to meet incredible people along the way.

I also really enjoyed taking part in the Future Business Challenge. This competition not only gave me practical experience in cross-cultural teamwork, but we were also able to question senior people from Ted Baker, Wessex Water and Arup on their industry knowledge. The highlight for me was meeting our mentor, Margaret Heffernan. The wealth of expertise we were exposed to was second-to-none. I am so grateful for this experience.

First-rate careers support

The School of Management’s Careers Team have been very supportive in every step of the job application process. They are very hands-on, organising skills workshops, one-to-one career development sessions and corporate networking events. Their help boosted my employability, and because of them I’ve been able to secure a graduate scheme position with Dyson in international marketing.

The School of Management Careers Team have been very supportive in every step of the job application process.” Ysabel Jana Dela Rosa MSc International Management

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