  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    MSc/PG Dip/PG Cert part time

Course Description

This exciting programme enables multi-agency professionals to learn in a lively and dynamic environment, to advance safeguarding knowledge and skills. The aim of this course is to bring real and positive change to the safeguarding of children, young people and adults, through developing personal, professional and organisational capacity to evaluate wide-ranging interventions in diverse contexts.


On this course, you will gain in-depth knowledge and critical awareness of the legal, ethical, and practice issues which underpin safeguarding practice for children, young people and adults across the life-cycle. You will develop critical leadership and research skills, helping you to analyse and apply a range of safeguarding theories to protect and support people in diverse settings and contexts.

You will explore topics such as:

  • The legal, ethical and professional practice issues surrounding safeguarding
  • Contemporary themes and key issues within the current safeguarding agenda
  • Vulnerabilities, thresholds and risk assessment within safeguarding vulnerable people
  • Complex multi-agency safeguarding casework and interventions including socio-economic influences, resilience, and the complexities of working with a culturally diverse community
  • Findings and learning from research, serious case reviews, rapid reviews, SARs (Safeguarding Adults Review), inquiries, reports and literature applied to theory and practice
  • Theories, styles, principles and processes of leadership that impact upon safeguarding

Entry Requirements

  • You will need evidence of successful completion of accredited Level 6 study (Degree) or evidence of recent Level 6 study.

If you have not studied to level 6 but would benefit from the course and modules you may still apply, as individual applications will be considered on a case by case basis. You may also have completed complex studies equivalent to level 6 study.

You may require your manager’s support and funding evidence before enrolment onto the course.

You may need ‘Recognition of Prior Learning’. (RPL) is the process through which students can be admitted with credit to BCU postgraduate courses through the formal recognition of prior certificated learning (RPCL) or prior experiential learning (RPEL). Students seeking admission with prior learning based on RPCL or RPEL should contact the course lead in advance. RPL only takes place prior to entry.

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For fees and funding options, please visit website to find out more

Programme Funding

There are various funding options, including loans, scholarships and bursaries.

Student Destinations

This programme would meet CPD requirements for many staff across all agencies and contribute to a better informed workforce and ‘fill a gap’ in the adult educational market.

The programme fosters inter-agency working – a key safeguarding priority as well as giving students a formal qualification in Safeguarding, enabling them to demonstrate an ability to study safeguarding at Masters level.

This course will contribute to your employability for roles with an emphasis on safeguarding, for example lead roles for safeguarding within organisations as well as meeting CPD requirements for staff.

Further study options

PhD study or Professional Doctorate in Education.

Module Details

Please visit website for details.

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