  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    MPH Full Time/Part Time

Course Description

Do you have a health-related background? Do you want to become key to tackling threats to health across the world? If have experience and a degree in health related area, Health science, Health Promotion, public health nursing, nutrition, Medicine, Veterinary science. This Master of Public Health (MPH) could enhance your career prospects, enabling you to progress on to senior roles at either operational, policy or commissioning level in a wide range of areas. Public health research and practice is at the heart of tackling many of the world’s current threats to health so this course provides the opportunity to develop the skills and understanding you need to become a leader and agent for change in Public Health.

What’s covered in this course?

This course aims to enable you to become a leader and change agent, developing the knowledge and skills needed to work within this new multi-disciplinary public health landscape.

You will advance your public health knowledge, skills and approach to teamwork, multi-agency collaboration and community partnerships throughout the modules on this course and critically evaluate strategies to improve public health outcomes. These skills are increasingly relevant for the public health workforce who may be located within a variety of settings including multilateral and international NGOs, local health authorities, National Public Health authorities, the voluntary or the private sector.

You will be taught by highly experienced tutors who come from a range of disciplinary backgrounds including, research and policy, health psychology, epidemiology, sociology of health, health policy, health economics and leadership. You will also experience guest lectures from visiting relevant professionals from organisations such as Public Health England, the Faculty of Public Health, the voluntary sector and local government.

Your peers on the course will be from various public health backgrounds, degree discipline, and cultural, national and international experiences.  These previous experiences, along with the knowledge gained through the programme, are used to inform real-world scenario discussions and enhance problem-solving abilities.

Entry Requirements

  • An honours degree (2:2 or above) in a subject associated with or of relevance to public health
  • Current or recent experience of working in a public health or health promotion role or capacity. (This may be as your main role or as an aspect of your role. It may also be in a paid or voluntary capacity and as a professional or non-professional)
  • International students should additionally have an English Language qualification (IELTS 6.0 or above with no individual component less than 5.5)

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For fees and funding options, please visit website to find out more

Programme Funding

There are various funding options, including loans, scholarships and bursaries.

Student Destinations

The course will enhance your career prospects, enabling you to progress onto more senior public health roles at either operational, policy or commissioning level. The transferable nature of the course also means you could move into a management or research post.

Past graduates include a number of people now working in prominent roles regionally and nationally such as; National Mental Health Promotion Lead, Regional Commissioning Manager, Consultant in Public Health and Director of Public Health.

Upon successful completion of this course you will have the skills and knowledge to perform a variety of public health related jobs, including:

  • Public Health intelligence analyst.
  • Public health practitioner
  • Health promotion advisor
  • Monitoring and Evaluation officer
  • Health data analyst.
  • Health trainer and training coordinator
  • Field Epidemiologist
  • Community development and community outreach worker
  • Health information officer
  • Youth worker
  • Health researcher.

Module Details

Please visit website for details

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