
Msc International Marketing and Finance

  • DeadlineStudy Details: 1 Year Full-time

Masters Degree Description

This is a pathway of our International Marketing MSc course

As well as covering the traditional, founding concepts and theories of marketing, you will also develop knowledge of social media marketing, digital marketing, content generation, digital tracking, and data analysis. You will understand the practical side of the various marketing tools and learn the pros and cons of each for the professional marketer.

This degree option covers a number of areas, through both core and optional modules, such as global financial markets, corporate finance, risk analysis, international business finance. Professional marketers who have a solid understanding of business finances are attractive to businesses, especially those that can deliver greater results, for less.

You will also have the opportunity to take part in a global internship or complete a project with an organisation.

Entry Requirements

A UK Lower Second-Class Honours (2:2) degree
Your degree should be in any subject which has enabled the applicant to develop analytical and quantitative skills.

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Module Details

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