  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    MSc 1 year full time

Masters Degree Description

As the holder of a degree in engineering, you can enhance your career development by establishing a broad knowledge of contemporary management. The MSc Engineering Management offers a detailed exploration of the theory and practice of key areas, which is ideal if you have a practical engineering background and are interested or active in management roles in the private or public sector.

Entry Requirements

To be admitted for the MSc Engineering Management course, candidates will normally be required to have a minimum UK 2nd class honours degree or recognised international equivalent qualification in an engineering related subject. Relevant work experience can also be taken into account and all applicants would be considered on an individual basis.

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Information on tuition fees is available on our Home and EU/International fees pages.

Student Destinations

This course will provide you with the ability to see businesses holistically and the knowledge to successfully lead and manage in an engineering context. You will also have the opportunity to develop wider knowledge, skills, and understanding of management theory and practice, relevant to you and your organisation.

Studying the MSc Engineering Management will give those with some management experience the opportunity to put their organisational leadership practice into context. It will enhance the prospects of leaders and managers from the engineering sector, and help you take advantage of future career opportunities.

Module Details

You will study 180 credits, which will comprise of the following modules:

  • Leadership and Management theories
  • Managing Professional Development
  • Issues in International Management
  • Innovation Management
  • Strategic Operations Management and Operational Research
  • Research Methods
  • Dissertation Project

You will also study two option modules.

Optional modules include:

  • Project Management and Techniques
  • Quality Techniques and Analysis
  • Workplace Evaluation and Control
  • Business and Risk Management
  • Other relevant engineering modules

Please note: You can choose the elective modules from any engineering discipline within the University portfolio, subject to agreement with the Course Leader and timetable compatibility.

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