The MA in Creative Writing is focussed on writing as a craft. It is designed to give students a structure within which they can develop their writing, experimenting with the wide range of possibilities available to the contemporary writer. It is possible to write prose fiction (the novel or short story), poetry, creative non-fiction (biography, autobiography, memoir, travel), film scripts or drama for the stage or radio. You may want to work on one project such as a novel, throughout the course. Or you may wish to explore different genres. The course allows for both options.
Our MA Creative writing students ‘read as writers’, explore their reading in group discussions and engage in writing exercises designed to enlarge and stimulate their practice. However, the MA is not a literary critical MA: the approach to reading is one of looking at the craft of writing.
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The University of Chichester is situated in the beautiful county of West Sussex. Our heritage dates back to the 19th Century when Bishop Otter College...