  • DeadlineStudy Details: MSc 1 year full-time

Course Description

The MSc Creative Robotics course is an exciting mix of robotics and creative practice set in the context of a world-renowned creative university. The course combines machine learning, physical computing and robotics with a strong emphasis on creative applications and the ethics and impact of robotics in society.

You will learn to design and build creative robotics including constructing machines that make music and art or performances. You will also develop advanced skills in robotic coding such as in Python and C++, and robotic open development frameworks such as ROS, MoveIt and Unity.

Furthermore, you will learn creative mechanics such as digital fabrication, 3D printing of robotic parts and program open robots use in industry and creative industries such as robotic arms and humanoids.

You will explore how concepts of embodiment from philosophy, neuroscience and cognitive science have influenced the design of a robot’s body and mind in tandem. This will enable you to develop critical thinking and build a deep understanding of design and research methodologies in the field of human-robotic interaction.

What to expect

  • Advanced robotics skills: develop advanced skills to both translate creative direction into robotic design and deliver creative robotics projects.
  • Extend your practice: the course is designed to give practitioners form different academic and creative disciplines the change to extend their practice into the robotic domain.
  • Research informed robotics teaching: the course is informed by CCI’s research themes and research on human-robotic interaction and design research in creative, social, and evolutionary robotics.
  • Critical engagement with robotics: as a postgraduate student you will develop a critical understanding of robotic development and explore the role of robotics in producing the future.

Entry Requirements

The standard minimum entry requirements for this course are:

  • An honours degree in a relevant subject such as Computer Science, Data Science, Computing, Mechanical or Electrical Engineering, Joint Computer Science / Arts, Humanities programme.
  • OR an honours degree from a creative discipline with substantial computational practice such as interaction design, computer science, digital design, product design, mechanical or electric engineering, design engineering.
  • OR a professional qualification recognised as equivalent to an Honours degree in a design-related or creative engineering discipline.
  • AND typically, at least Grade B/Grade 6 at GCSE Mathematics.

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For fees and funding information, please see website 

Student Destinations

Computing graduates are highly sought after across sectors and our degrees facilitate progression to a wide range of careers in both industry and academia. Graduates can join large companies or start their own business using their engineering skills and their knowledge of computational innovation.

Career paths

Graduates can become:

  • Robotic engineers for large and small robotics technology companies
  • Robotic engineers for theatre, film and television production industries
  • Creative technologists
  • Artists and designers
  • IT professionals
  • Founders of robotic technology start-ups

Opportunities for further study:

  • PhD level study both within the CCI and at other institutions nationally and internationally

Module Details

Term 1

  • Coding 1: Advanced creative robotics coding: This unit introduces you to advanced programming languages most commonly use in robotics, such as C++ and Python. You will explore programming fundamentals such as object-oriented programming, fundamental logical structures and geometry. This will allow you to implement and experiment with basic algorithms for working with images, audio and electro-mechanical systems. This unit has the explicit aim of equipping you with an advanced programming foundation to tackle creative robotics programming and the rest of the course.
  • Critical robotics: Studies and research methods: This unit introduces the key aspects of the research process and interdisciplinary methodologies for creative robotics research. You will approach qualitative, quantitative, visual and applied methods from the fields of computer science, critical and speculative design. You will explore the history of robotics and human-robot interaction. Taking a design thinking approach, you will also engage with critical thinking and coherent robotics proposals.
  • Creative making: Advanced physical computing: The unit will explain and demonstrate how the environment can be seen as data measured by sensors. You will explore the intersection of the interface with the body by building systems. This unit encompasses the fundamentals of mechanics and electronics, and how they connect through programming and software engineering. Practical exercises and workshops will equip you with the skills needed for designing and building interactive physical devices and the electronic parts of creative robotics.

Term 2

  • Coding 2: Advanced frameworks: In this process-based unit, you will explore advanced techniques for robotic interactivity and creativity. Through experiment driven iterations, you will examine how algorithms are used to make robots interact with humans and the world. You will also learn how they are used to create novel art and music. Advanced topics in creative robotics such as computer vision, natural language processing, generative drawing and composition are also covered in this unit.
  • Critical robotics: Studies and research methods: Continuation from term 1.
  • Creative making: Advanced creative robotics: This practical class introduces students to innovative approaches to designing, executing, and implementing robotic interventions. Students will explore advanced physical computing techniques such as advanced mechanical principles, digital fabrication, 3D printing, advanced mechanics, soft robotics and sensors and actuators integration into the development of robotic proposals for creative applications. 

Term 3

  • Coding 3: Machine intelligence and social robots: This advanced unit introduces machine learning approaches, concepts and methods through direct examples and core technical training for robotics applications. Fundamental concepts such as classification, clustering and regression are developed through practical problem-solving exercises. This includes data driven approaches to computer vision, gesture recognition and tracking, natural language processing for human-robot interaction and designing personalities.
  • Creative making: Advanced creative robotics: Continuation from term 2.

Term 4

  • Creative robotics: MSc advanced project: This unit gives you the opportunity to develop an advanced creative robotics project and write an associated thesis. This project is expected to be an advanced application of robotics approaches to creative practice and an exposition in writing of both the technical development of the project and its creative aims. 

Prior to the summer break, you will undertake a project proposal phase which includes agreeing the creative ambitions and the technical scope of the project. Significant waypoints and demo stages will support you throughout the process. This can be an individual or group project.

Research option

You may have the opportunity to complete your advanced project as a research assistant for an Institute professor/researcher on a specific project.

The submission requirement will be the same and the proposal stage will need to outline the proposed activity at a similar level of detail.

Due to the availability of suitable research projects this option will be subject to a competitive process if demand outstrips supply.

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