
MSc Artificial Intelligence for Sustainable Development

  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    MSc 1 year full-time

Course Description

The MSc Artificial Intelligence for Sustainable Development provides students with a strong foundation in core artificial intelligence techniques, as well as an introduction to sustainability. Students will be exposed to where AI and sustainable development could meet. This programme can lead to interdisciplinary industry positions as well as research.

As a student on the MSc Artificial Intelligence Science for Sustainable Development, you will learn the fundamental concepts of Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques, by studying foundations of machine learning, deep representations and learning, probabilistic modelling, responsible AI and others. This computer science program will also allow you to discover the United Nations 2030 Sustainable Development Goals Agenda, and how AI can act as a catalyst or inhibitor to achieve them. You will also learn how to approach real-world global sustainability problems with machine learning, how to measure and analyse the broader impact of AI and more generally, what we could do to ensure that these technologies become sustainable.

Students on this programme will take modules to the value of 180 credits, on successful completion of which they will be awarded MSc Artificial Intelligence for Sustainable Development.

Who this course is for

This programme is aimed at students with a background in computer science or related field, looking to strengthen their knowledge and specialise in applying it to the sustainability domain. The programme provides a sound basis for those embarking on a career in research or development or taking up positions within industry or academic research, where machine learning is currently applied/ developed, such as healthcare, environmental sustainability, social sciences, agriculture, finance, etc.

Entry Requirements

A minimum of an upper second-class Bachelor’s degree in computer science, mathematics, statistics, physics or natural sciences, or natural sciences from a UK university or an overseas qualification of an equivalent standard. Evidence should be included within the application to demonstrate suitable mathematical skills (to at least Mathematics A level), analytical skills and programming experience in a procedural language. The applicant must have good computational thinking skills as programming is a core part of the programme.

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Programme Funding

For more information about funding opportunities for Department of Computer Science taught postgraduate programmes, please visit website.

Student Destinations

The programme is designed to teach you to apply a broad spectrum of machine learning techniques to sustainable development applications, which could include social, environmental or economic sustainability. The application and research-based curriculum promotes strong research and programming skills, as well as critical thinking regarding the broad impact of AI techniques on society and our planet.

Module Details

Compulsory modules

  • AI for Sustainable Development
  • Foundations of Artificial Intelligence
  • Probabilistic Modelling
  • Deep Representations and Learning
  • Applied Artificial Intelligence
  • Artificial Intelligence for Domain-Specific Applications Project Preparation
  • MSc Artificial Intelligence for Sustainable Development Project

Optional modules

  • Artificial Intelligence for Remotely Sensed Applications
  • Artificial Intelligence for Computational Pathology
  • Accountable, Transparent, and Responsible Artificial Intelligence

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