
Animal & Veterinary Science

Masters Degrees in Animal Sciences and Veterinary Science

Masters degrees in Animal and Veterinary Science give you a unique qualification. Most graduates in animal science and veterinary studies undertake intensive training as part of their qualifications.

There are a small number of specialist Vet Schools in the UK. These operate either as stand-alone institutions with origins in animal husbandry and welfare, or as schools attached to leading universities that have a heritage in biomedical sciences. 

The care of animals for domestic and commercial use is closely related to medicine. These degree courses teach how to care and diagnose conditions encountered by veterinary staff.

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News, stories and advice about Animal & Veterinary Science

Why study a masters in animal sciences and veterinary science

Studying a vet degree in the UK to undertake the care of animals is just as intensive as the medical care of humans.  However the long-term benefits of a career in this sector with a animal science degree are hugely rewarding.

Students looking to qualify as a vet to practice in these areas need to be academically strong. Be prepared to invest in the responsibilities that roles in these areas require. Candidates looking build a career in these special fields will complete further study in order to attain qualification and recognition.