
Reema Shanmukappa Patne – MSc Computing & Software Technology. Class 2012.


MSc Computing & Software Technology. Class 2012.
CEO and co-founder of the R-DOC NGO.

Your Career
I am a full-time Corporate Employee working in a renowned IT company Named Hexaware Technologies. I am also an internationally certified Life Coach specialised as a wellness coach and Relationship coach. I am the CEO and co-founder of an NGO named R-DOC where we provide free health services including treatments related to Thyroid, diabetes, and Obesity Disorder to grassroots people who can’t afford these treatments for costly diseases. Our NGO is also involved in various other philanthropic activities and got recognition from the Government of India.

How would you summarise your Swansea University experience?
It helped us embrace the latest technology and brought out the best talent in us. It taught us that when technology and talent work together, they produce unbeatable creativity, innovation, and invention. So here I stand as a successful Software Engineer working full-time corporate employee.

What are your top 3 favourite things about Swansea?
It helped us realise to give respect to everybody’s self-respect. In a certain sense, some amount of anonymous giving or doing things that change societies doing things that leave a lasting impact by the creation of businesses, creation of jobs, and creation of sustainable institutions that last beyond you is the best way you can contribute to our country. The UK university I studied at has taught us that education should not be done with the sole purpose of earning more money. Our education must serve a larger societal purpose. We after completing our education at the UK university are in a unique position to accomplish what very few universities in the world can even dream of.

Everything I am today is because of the life skills that the UK university has provided or taught us. Everything I know today is because of my education at the Swansea University. Looking at the energy, the optimism I am assured that the future of students studying in UK universities is in good hands. I pray that all the UK universities we love and cherish will rise to even greater heights in the decades to come.

Why did you choose to study your degree at Swansea?
I am so grateful that Swansea University has created a million millionaires by providing too quality education to all ordinary students across the globe. And that is the process of creating wealth for our own respective countries we belong too. Thank you Swansea University for creating such opportunities and through such opportunities comes wealth.

Would you recommend Swansea University to someone thinking of going to University?
In a certain sense some amount of anonymous giving or doing things that change societies doing things that leave a lasting impact by creation of businesses, creation of jobs, creation of sustainable institutions that last beyond you is the best way you can contribute to our country. Swansea university I studied has taught us that education should not be done with a sole purpose of earning more money. Our education must serve a larger societal purpose. We after completing our education here are in a unique position to accomplish what very few universities in the world can even dream of.

How did your degree prepare you for your career?
I have learnt from Swansea university is that there is no substitute for the hard work. Even more important to pursue excellence. Aim at being the best, not just the best in India but best in the world. Pursue excellence and success will cause you. I have learnt is loyalty, trust and a direct heart to heart relationship. As a part of Swansea alumni I am proud to commend these learnings as the future belongs to us. Swansea university provided a fabulous platform to achieve multiples irrespective of the course we studied there. I have learnt to have an absolute faith in technology and talent. It has taught us to be positive and optimistic in life. Dismiss the profits of doom. Have self confidence and believe in yourself is what the take away the Swansea university has taught us.

What advice would you give to students who want to pursue your career?
Studying in Swansea university has taught me to respect the differences. Studying in UK is that it gives you a certain amount of independency. Its not even about what you learnt, its about the fact that you just learnt. Living in UK to start with who nobody would recognise you to creating your own identity where people start recognising you for your work is empowering. It lets us to discover who you are which truly is more to me. I am gaining a level of independence which is extremely important in the world we are living today. It helps me think even professionally better.

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