
Meet Meadhbh Lyons – A student on our MA Movement: Directing and Teaching course


Meadhbh Lyons is a MA Movement: Directing and Teaching student who spoke with us about studying on the course and her goals for the future.

What made you choose to study at Central?

There are not many courses of this kind, and I was very inspired by the work alumni from the course have gone on to do, as well as Central’s history of pioneering movement studies and the expertise of the course staff. When I looked into this course, it was one of those lightbulb moments where I thought “Yes! This is for me!”

What have you most enjoyed about your course so far? 

Going in to Central every day and being surrounded by people who love movement as much as I do. Being able to learn from both tutors, and my classmates, about a subject that we are all so passionate about has been a privilege.

You’ve received a Big Give Bursary to study on your course, what impact has this had on you and your studies?

The Bursary has alleviated financial pressure and allowed me to concentrate more fully on the programme. This is especially important when the course is only one year!

What would you say to those thinking of donating funds for Scholarships or Bursaries for Central’s students? 

I think that supporting the arts is an incredibly special thing to do. The arts are fundamental to our humanity and shape our everyday lives. To support people who are choosing to dedicate their lives to the arts is not just an investment in that individual, but an investment in the artistic community as a whole.

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