
Cecily Donnelly, from Abingdon, chose the Abnormal and Clinical Psychology Master’s at Swansea University


Cecily DonnellyCecily Donnelly, from Abingdon, chose the Abnormal and Clinical Psychology Master’s at Swansea University to develop the clinical skills that she needed to achieve her career goals. Following various roles in the NHS, including one working with children and adults with learning disabilities as an Assistant Psychologist, she began her course with the College of Human and Health Sciences.

She said: “I first visited the University for an open day, I immediately found all the staff very welcoming and helpful and I loved the Campus and its beautiful seaside location.”

The MSc Abnormal and Clinical Psychology involves developing a thorough understanding of the theory and practice of clinical psychology, including developing personal views on the appropriateness of diagnosis, understanding the importance of psychological formulation and critically analysing the effectiveness of treatments.

“On my first day we were introduced to our lecturers. It was great to meet so many people who felt so enthusiastic about improving mental health services and I enjoyed interacting with academic staff and discussing their research.

The course gives students the opportunity to contribute to the scientific community by undertaking research alongside world class academics….I really enjoyed planning and conducting my own research project. My supervisor was supportive of all my ideas and encouraged me to choose a subject about which I felt passionately.

Since completing her Master’s, Cecily has taken an Assistant Psychologist role with South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust, working with young people with eating disorders. She said: “The course has really enhanced my understanding of mental health and clinical psychology and these skills will allow me to continue to grow as a psychological practitioner, and give me the confidence to train as a clinical psychologist.

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