  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    MSc: 1 year full-time, 2 years part-time

Course Description

Jointly delivered by Edinburgh School of Architecture & Landscape Architecture and the School of Energy, Geoscience, Infrastructure and Society at Heriot-Watt University, this programme builds on the historic expertise and knowledge developed in both. It is taught by academic researchers with international research experience, links, and interests in a range of urban-related themes and geographical areas. This wealth of knowledge and the use of contemporary teaching is integrated into the programme’s delivery. The programme encourages the adoption of a comprehensive approach to the delivery of socially sustainable urban transformation, from local-specific to global-regional interventions. You will study the wide and diverse range of social, economic and political processes that influence the development of the contemporary urban environment.

Entry Requirements

Entry requirements for individual programmes vary, so please check the details for the specific programme you wish to apply for on the University of Edinburgh website. You will also need to meet the University English Language requirements.


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