  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    MSc Full time (1 year), part time (2 years)

Course Description

The MSc Trauma Science programme aims to enable exploration of the theoretical basis of trauma science in general with a route to particular specialisms depending on the cohort need. For example, there are clear paths of specialism for Physiotherapists, Nurses, Doctors, Engineers, Scientists and Military personnel.

Entry Requirements

Normally a 2:1 Honours degree or equivalent in Geography, Earth Science, Environmental Science, Engineering, Natural Sciences, Chemistry, Physics, Ecology / Biology, Life Sciences, Agricultural Science, Water Management, or a related discipline, with preferably good marks in modules related to hydrology.

In special cases, applications may be considered from those with honours degrees with lower marks or those holding non-graduate qualifications that are deemed by the University to be a satisfactory alternative to an Honours degree in the subject areas mentioned above, for example if the applicant has many years of experience in a relevant field.

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