
MSc PG Dip PG Cert Transforming and Leading in Health Care

  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    MSc/PGDip/PGCert full-time and part-time

Course Description

This Masters (MSc) Transforming and Leading Health Care is designed as a multidisciplinary programme for professionals and managers leading across both health and can be accessed as a purely on line course or as blended delivery.

What’s covered in this course?

As health care provision becomes increasingly complex, with greater demand for services and more people with multiple long term conditions plus the shortages of skilled professionals, there is a growing importance on how health care components (workforce/politics/economics/ accreditation) need to improve and transform. Most health systems globally are under sustained financial constraint and rising consumer expectation.

The need to redesign systems is becoming increasingly important. A crucial part of this for health care leaders includes how to manage yourself, and others, and how to use these skills as the basis for continually managing challenges and improvements in health care systems.  Leading and managing health services can seem increasingly challenging in a rapidly changing and multicomplex environment, which attracts continual media interest and attention. It is underpinned by a plethora of legislation, guidance and governance which can often leave professionals both bewildered and overwhelmed as inspections and demands of services and organisations continues to increase.

The overall aim of this programme is for you to continue to develop yourself and your leadership and management skills, by understanding and reflect on how people and team’s behaviours and this affects organisations development and ability to improve. The program then explores global health lessons and the relevance to your everyday practice. The programme will develop your research and leadership skills to enhance your critical thinking in both areas.

Entry Requirements

  • All students must be working in an appropriate environment in order to fully engage with the chosen modules.
  • Relevant Bachelor’s degree or equivalent or a 60 credit Level 6 award in an appropriate subject area.


  • A minimum of 5 years’ experience in a relevant healthcare area and evidence of successfully completed Level 6 study within the preceding 2 years.


  • A minimum of 5 years’ experience in a relevant healthcare area and submit a 2000-3000 discursive essay. This will be marked at Level 6 and will need to meet the pass mark of 40% in order for an offer to be made. The essay title and further information will be sent to eligible students on application.

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For fees and funding options, please visit website to find out more

Programme Funding

There are various funding options, including loans, scholarships and bursaries.

Student Destinations

This programme equips you with enhanced knowledge in; interpersonal and managerial skills and health care improvement and policy, which contributes positively to employability within areas of health care.

Promotes enterprising, professional, work-ready and creative problem solvers, wiling to respond to change and manage it effectively within health care.

Module Details

Please visit website for details

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