  • DeadlineStudy Details: MA 15 months full-time

Course Description

MA Textile Design encourages transformative, multi-disciplinary and collaborative approaches to design. Socially responsible, culturally inclusive design thinking and sustainable creative exploration are core values that underpin the course.  

The course encourages you to take a conceptual and speculative approach. You’ll build on your existing creative practice and skills redefining these within the context of your future career ambitions. 

You’ll be encouraged to explore current fields of research and situate your practice in relation to them, for example:  

  • Material and product lifecycles including circular design systems 
  • Climate justice and the environmental impacts of materials and sourcing  
  • Production and use of materials and products 
  • Material and production innovations  
  • Patterns of consumption and behavioural change  
  • Social and racial justice, including ethical labour and associated societal effects 
  • Community engagement and environmental issues  
  • The designer as activist.

The course aims to equip you with skills to develop your design identity and become a proactive designer who can influence, navigate and creatively contribute to textile design futures in the complex global contexts of our time.  

What to expect:

  • Combining research and practice: A research-led and practice-based course, underpinned by critical design thinking, where the textile studio is a forum for discussion, study and collaboration. 
  • Teaching and learning environment: Your studies will be focused around a combination of taught sessions and workshops, seminars, tutorials and peer learning activities and self-directed learning.
  • Emphasis on a self-directed design project: Based on your personal research and design interests, you’ll write your own design project brief in Unit 1 and continue to develop this in depth throughout the course. 
  • An ethical focus: We have a responsibility to contribute towards a better and more sustainable world. Throughout your course, you'll explore climate, social and racial justice and learn how to embed these principles into your creative practice. 

Entry Requirements

The standard minimum entry requirements for this course are:

  • BA (Hons) degree or equivalent academic qualifications
  • Alternative qualifications and experience will also be taken into consideration
  • Personal statement
  • Portfolio of work

Entry to this course will also be determined by the quality of your application, looking primarily at your portfolio of work and personal statement.

APEL - Accreditation of Prior (Experiential) Learning

Applicants who do not meet these course entry requirements may still be considered in exceptional cases. The course team will consider each application that demonstrates additional strengths and alternative evidence. This might, for example, be demonstrated by:

  • Related academic or work experience
  • The quality of the personal statement
  • A strong academic or other professional reference
  • A combination of these factors 

Each application will be considered on its own merit but we cannot guarantee an offer in each case.

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For fees and funding information, please see website 

Student Destinations

MA Textile Design graduates have gone on to careers as textiles practitioners and designer-makers either working with, or establishing their own, major and independent fashion labels.

Graduates have gone on to designing prints for Ralph Lauren in New York, working on sustainable craft design projects in India as well as in-house designer for Heritage Cashmere.

Other course alumni have gone on to freelance design work, interior product design or other industry related careers, while some go on to undertake further research.

Module Details

Unit 1 - Exploring and understanding research-led textile design practice

This unit is an introduction to your course, the College and the University. You’ll look at research and practical methodologies for developing an integrated approach to theory and practice. You’ll also explore key aspects of socially responsible and sustainable design, including issues relating to climate, social and racial juctice, to help you define the direction of your creative practice and develop a considered and relevant design project proposal.

Unit 2 - Contextualising research-led textile design practice

This unit is about situating your work relative to contemporary and innovative design contexts. You will further develop your knowledge of responsible, socially-just design and you’ll refine and further develop your design project proposal and write a research paper. Towards the end of the unit, you will take part in a work in progress show. 

Unit 3 - Realisation of research-led textile design practice

The final unit of the course will focus on the realisation of your design project. You’ll demonstrate how you have developed your practice as a model for exploring and reflecting on relevant contextual and theoretical perspectives. You’ll submit a design outcome with supporting developmental work and a written research paper. You’ll also participate in the Design School Postgraduate Event towards the end of this unit.

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