  • DeadlineStudy Details: Graduate Diploma 1 year full-time

Course Description

This course is aimed at students who have an undergraduate degree that may be from a different subject area and would like to progress to postgraduate study in illustration or a related field.

An introduction to the fundamental principles of illustration through a wide range of image-making approaches. This course will develop your illustration knowledge and skills and prepare you for postgraduate study. It will also encourage you to become an ethically, socially and critically sensitive illustrator. 

What to expect

  • Identify a creative direction: Work on projects that will lead you towards developing and carrying out an individual programme of study. This will enable you to identify personal and sustainable directions in your creative practice. 
  • Knowledge development: Learn about research and design methodologies and how to apply these to your work as an illustrator.
  • Build on your skills: Find out how to combine the skills you already have with new skills in illustration. This will make you a more confident and capable illustrator and visual communicator. 
  • Experienced staff: Learn from tutors and visiting lecturers who are practicing designers and leading practitioners within the London and wider UK industry.
  • Creative facilities: Have access to Camberwell's shared workshops, including printmaking, photography, film, moving image, digital, plastic, ceramics, wood and metalwork. View the Camberwell facilities. 

Entry Requirements

  • BA (Hons) degree or equivalent academic qualifications
  • Evidence of ability in art or design
  • Alternative qualifications and experience will also be taken into consideration
  • Personal statement
  • Portfolio of work

Entry to this course will also be determined by the quality of your application, looking primarily at your portfolio of work and personal statement.

APEL - Accreditation of Prior (Experiential) Learning

Applicants who do not meet these course entry requirements may still be considered in exceptional cases. The course team will consider each application that demonstrates additional strengths and alternative evidence. This might, for example, be demonstrated by:

  • Related academic or work experience
  • The quality of the personal statement
  • A strong academic or other professional reference
  • A combination of these factors

Each application will be considered on its own merit but we cannot guarantee an offer in each case.

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For fees and funding information, please see website 

Student Destinations

The course will give students the skills, knowledge and experience required for further study at MA level.

Module Details

Unit 1: Research, risk and context

This unit offers an introduction to your course, the College and the University. Talks, seminars and guest speakers will help you develop your understanding of the key principles in illustration. During practical workshops, you’ll apply this knowledge to complete a series of illustration project briefs. This blended approach will ensure you develop your own personal visual language as an innovative and professional illustrator.

Unit 2: Practice, development and realisation

During this unit, you will continue developing your professional portfolio. A set series of project briefs will help you master key illustration skills while also enabling you to realise your ambitions for your progression. Contextual seminars and workshops will help you understand how your creative practice can be applied to different professional settings. You will finish this unit by presenting your work at the College graduate show.

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