
MA Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) with Applied Linguistics

  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    MA: 1 year full-time, 2-3 years part-time (distance/online version advised route for part-time)

Masters Degree Description

TESOL with Applied Linguistics will enable you to develop the solid foundation of knowledge and the practical skills you need to teach English to non-native speakers of the language.

This postgraduate degree course will equip you with a thorough grounding in teaching methodology, classroom management, an in-depth knowledge of lexis, grammar and phonology, and the way in which language is learned. It will also help you to develop the analytical and reflective skills you need to continue to develop as a professional.

Entry Requirements

Good undergraduate degree (2.2 minimum) or equivalent. Typically at least 1-2 years of language teaching experience, preferably teaching English as a foreign language.

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Module Details

Semester 1 – compulsory modules:

Language Analysis
Methodology for TESOL
Second Language Acquisition
Dissertation (Research Methods)

Semester 2 –  3 optional modules from:

  • Computer assisted language learning
  • Course and materials design
  • Language in Interaction
  • Testing and assessment
  • Teaching language through literature
  • World Englishes
  • or Student Initiated Module

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