  • DeadlineStudy Details: 1 Year Full-time

Masters Degree Description

During your studies you will be provided with detailed knowledge of physiology applied to sport and exercise contexts. The programme is also designed to extend your knowledge beyond 'classical' exercise physiology studies and give you the skills, techniques and critical thinking required to be at the forefront of sports performance. The curriculum is informed by a world class research infrastructure with over 20 full-time academic staff and support staff contributing to the taught modules and research dissertation.

You will be provided with extensive practical experience and academic development in fundamental scientific technical including research methods, statistical analysis and scientific communication. As part of your course you will complete a record of competency in physiological assessment, deliver a conference presentation and gain first-hand experience of physiological testing in the laboratory and in the field.

Entry Requirements

a minimum 2:1 honours degree in sport science, or a related discipline

or (if you have been out of education for some time)

to provide details of relevant experience in lieu of formal qualifications, for example, work experience, voluntary work, research etc. Please describe in detail how this has helped you to improve your knowledge of exercise physiology


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Module Details

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