
PG Dip Specialist Community Public Health Nurse (School Nurse)

  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    PGDip full-time

Course Description

Do you have a desire become a School Nurse? Our programme will help you fulfil your career ambitions. This engaging course will train you to become a knowledgeable and skilled health care practitioner and successful completion makes you eligibility for entry onto the Specialist Community Public Health Nurse part of the Nursing and Midwifery Council’s register.

Delivered as 50 per cent theory and 50 per cent practice, you’ll develop a broad knowledge of the complex issues of specialist practice.

What’s covered in this course?

The aim of this course is to train you as a practitioner who can maintain and improve the health of defined social groups and populations through the use of best available evidence, reflective practice and practical, hands-on experience.

You’ll work to ensure protection of the public is assured by using best practice that works within the boundaries of the Nursing and Midwifery Council’s Code of Professional Conduct. We and our trust partners will ensure that you are fit for practice, fit for the award and fit for professional standing.

You’ll promote public health practice, develop evidence-based public health knowledge and skills, and promote inter-professional learning. We will prepare to practice safely and effectively from a health focus, within a public health context.

The knowledge and skills you develop will be reflected in your ability to meet the NMC standards of proficiency, incorporating the ten key areas of public health practice. You will gain the skills you’ll need to influence policies affecting health and facilitate health-enhancing activities.

Graduates from this Specialist Community Public Health Nursing School Nurse course have progressed into roles with organisations such as Birmingham Community Healthcare NHS Trust, working as public health nurses and school nurses.

To complete this course, you need to secure a position in a Trust as Student School Nurse. These are advertised on the NHS Jobs website.

Entry Requirements

  • First level registration with the NMC (one year’s post-registration experience ideal) If awaiting confirmation of registration, there must be evidence of successful completion of a pre-registration nursing or midwifery programme and evidence of application for NMC registration
  • To access BSc (Hons): you need the equivalent of 240 credits of which 120 must be at level 5 (higher diploma level)
  • To access PG Diploma: if you have previously studied at level 6, you may be eligible for entry onto the postgraduate award. Please contact our Personal Development Department (PDD) or the Programme Director for further information
  • It is essential that students obtain an organised practice placement with a Primary Care Trust (PCT) and an allocated practice teacher in the defined area of Specialist Community Public Health Nursing Practice
  • Without a qualified practice teacher we regret that we cannot offer a place on this course
  • Enhanced CRB and Occupational Health Clearance is required prior to course entry

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For fees and funding options, please visit website to find out more

Programme Funding

There are various funding options, including loans, scholarships and bursaries.

Student Destinations

This course will give you the opportunity to expand your knowledge and move into more senior roles.

Diane Edkins was working as a school nurse and was hesitant to take on a degree, despite it being the logical step in improving her employability. Once she started studying the course, however, she completely changed her mind.

“I thought the teaching was excellent, as were the facilities. I had lots of support, whether it be in assignment writing, using electronic resources or solving a personal issue.

“The course helped my career, as I have been promoted to a higher band within school nursing. I am not sure what my plans for the future are, but I feel I now have more choices due to undertaking this course.”

Module Details

Please visit website for details

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