  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    1 year full-time

Masters Degree Description

Social innovation – or the development of new ideas, services and models to better address social issues – is a concept that has become known world-wide over the last couple of decades. Social innovation often involves the empowerment of disadvantaged groups and the restructuring of power relations in the ways they are implemented. Social innovation often emerges from civil society to disrupt or pose an alternative to the status quo, such as in the form of microfinance initiatives or social enterprises, and can imply new forms of collaboration that encourage new and less hierarchical relationships between government, civil society and citizens.

Designed to develop your knowledge and expertise in this exciting field of study, the MSc Social Innovation from Glasgow Caledonian University shares its home with the Yunus Centre for Social Business and Health – GCU’s world-leading research centre – and is delivered by the award-winning Glasgow School for Business and Society (winner of 4 QS Stars for Business).

Entry Requirements

UK honours degree 2:2 (or equivalent) in any discipline.

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Programme Funding

We provide high-quality education for a fair price; as the University for the Common Good, we are committed to offering accessible higher education for talented students by keeping our tuition fees low and providing a generous scholarship package of over £2.5 million per year.

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Module Details

Human Rights, Gender and Development
Global Social Entrepreneurship
Microfinance: Theory and Practice
Project Management
Social Innovation and Alternative Economic Forms
Applied Social Marketing
Ethics, Governance and Responsible Leadership
Applied Professional Practice
Masters Research Project

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