
MA Research Methods (Politics, International Relations, Security)

  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    MA 1 year full-time

Masters Degree Description

Gain strong training in research methods in the fields of politics, international relations and security.

This is a degree offered in collaboration with other departments in the Faculty of Social Sciences. It is designed to provide a strong all round training in research methods allied to further specialisation within the fields of politics, international relations and security for those intending to go on to register for a PhD. As such it implements the ESRC research training guidelines for ‘1+3’ PhD students, and includes compulsory elements in a wide variety of techniques including statistics and quantitative methods, but contains less subject-specific content than the other MA courses.

Course Structure

Core modules:

• Empirical Research in Politics, International Relations and Security• Perspectives on Social Research• Dissertation.

Examples of optional modules:

• Applied Statistics• Statistical Exploration and Reasoning• Quantitative Research Methods in Social Science• Qualitative Research Methods in Social Science• Fieldwork and Interpretation• Core Concepts in Political Science• International Relations Theory• Defence, Development and Diplomacy in Conflict: Evolving Actors, Factors and Paradigms• Conflict Prevention and Sustainable Peace.

A 20 credit language module is allowed to be taken with all the courses as long as it is agreed with the Programme Director.

Entry Requirements

UK 2.1 Bachelor degree, or equivalent. The degree should be in the field of social sciences, but we will actively consider significant relevant experience in lieu of this requirement.

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