
PG Cert Postgraduate Certificate in Learning and Teaching in Higher Education (LaTHE) – Online

  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    1 year part-time 100% online

Course Description

Whether you’ve been teaching in Higher Education (HE) for a number of years or are relatively new to the HE environment, this course does more than build on your knowledge, it offers you space to explore your teaching philosophy, discover insights into why you teach the way you do, and better understand what underpins your chosen approach.

We aim to offer you the chance to learn with a culturally diverse group of peers to exchange ideas of best practice and enrich your own perspective of education in our increasingly interconnected world. Along the way, you’ll have the opportunity to build greater self-awareness and confidence as an educator, helping you to make a deeper and more meaningful impact on your students’ own learning journeys.

Delivered online with dedicated one-to-one support, this course offers you the opportunity to learn flexibly and complete each module during the semester of study at a time and place that suits you, combining informative articles, engaging videos and in-depth discussions with fellow educators.

Entry Requirements

Participants on the PgC LaTHE are normally required to have substantial ‘teaching’ responsibility and be currently employed at an HE level institution in the UK. Prospective students should currently have module leader responsibility at HE level. At the point of application, those students without module leader responsibility but can evidence substantial ‘teaching’ will be considered on a case by case basis. This course is work-based and designed for part-time attendance. It would be favourable for you to have access to a workplace mentor/critical friend, this should be discussed at the time of application with your current workplace/line manager who is supporting your application, and you will be expected to develop a network of support as you work through the course.

Applicants need to hold a first degree, or equivalent, and be able to satisfy the Course Director (or nominee) that they are capable of undertaking postgraduate study of this nature through their academic/teaching job role.

Selection will be by consideration of a completed application form presented by the applicant. Applicants will be required to provide a reference from their employer, confirming their teaching status and suitability for the programme of study proposed. In addition, confirming that local support will be provided, including a commitment to support for undertaking teaching observations of the participant.

Normally, the Course Director (or nominee) reviews the applications for all applicants and the Programmes Co-ordinator informs the applicants of the outcome. Coventry University reserve the right at their sole discretion to make the final decision on all applications.

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For fees and funding options, please visit website to find out more

Programme Funding

Funding opportunities including scholarships available

Student Destinations

You will already be equipped with a good understanding of teaching, learning and assessment responsibilities within your current position at your institution. This course will allow you to underpin those skills and enhance them further, with the view of helping you progress your career throughout higher education.

Module Details

  • Teaching Practice in Higher Education
  • Assessment and Feedback Practices in Higher Education
  • Curriculum Design in Higher Education

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