The Postgraduate Certificate in Education (PGCE) is a teacher training course tailored for trainee teachers, teaching assistants and learning support assistants, who are employed in independent schools (junior, preparatory and senior) in the UK, and wish to have the opportunity to train on the job.
The course aims to develop teachers who are confident, inspiring and highly effective in transferring knowledge and skills to their pupils. In doing so, the course aims to:
Prior experience in teaching or in schools is not a pre-requisite of acceptance onto the course. Trainees can include recent graduates who have secured a teaching or teaching assistant job in a school, career changers and teachers/assistants who have worked in a school for a time but have no formal teaching qualification.
To gain entry to the course, all trainees must:
For fees and funding options, please visit website to find out more
Funding opportunities including scholarships available
The course is designed for teachers, teaching assistants or learning support assistants, who are employed in independent schools in the UK but have not undergone any formal teacher training. The course aims to prepare trainee teachers for the ongoing changes and demands in schools, as well as the need for continuous professional development in teaching, upon successful completion.
While this course does not provide Qualified Teacher Status (QTS) – the recognised award to teach in state-maintained schools in England – the course has been designed to sit alongside the national Teachers’ Standards in England and national guidelines for Initial Teacher Training (ITT), so may significantly reduce the amount of time it takes to gain QTS at a later stage.
Successful completion of the course will result in 60 Level 7 credits that may be transferred as prior learning credits for future study at master’s degree level.
The PGCE course is school-based, which means that you will study while in employment in a school as a trainee teacher, teaching assistant or learning assistant, under the supervision of an in-school mentor and university tutor. It combines the flexibility of online learning with practical in-school experience, which aims to provide you with relevant study to complement your work in-school. You can choose to study solely online but also have the opportunity to attend up to six days of face-to-face sessions at the university.
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