
MSc PGDip International Development (Conflict, Security And Development)

  • DeadlineStudy Details: MSc: 2 - 4 years; Postgraduate Diploma: 18 months - 4 years

Course Description

Our MSc in International Development (Conflict, Security and Development) course makes a direct link between academic and practical policy approaches to analysing and recovering from conflicts, with an emphasis on developing countries.

The course investigates the important relationships between development, security, and conflict. It links theory and practice to meet a growing demand for rigorous educational qualifications in this field. The course is interdisciplinary and will provide students with a strong basis for future work in conflict prevention and post-conflict reconstruction and development, whether in practical, policy, or research dimensions. 

Entry Requirements

  • An upper second class Honours degree or equivalent from an approved university or an equivalent professional qualification in a relevant field (the equivalent US GPA is 3.2) or
  • A lower second-class Honours degree from an approved university with excellent and relevant work experience.
  • Degrees from all disciplines are considered and a candidate’s work experience can be taken into consideration.

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