
MSc PG Dip International Banking and Finance

  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    MSc: 1 year full-time, 2 years part-time PgDip: 9 months full-time, 21 months part-time

Course Description

Edinburgh has a long and well-established reputation in banking and finance. Heriot- Watt University has particularly close links with the financial community, this programme having been established when the Deputy Managing Director of the Royal Bank of Scotland left his post to become Professor of International Banking at Heriot-Watt.

The programme covers the core theories and concepts in international banking and finance, such as the operations of the forex market, the international money market and the international credit market. An awareness is also developed of ethical and professional issues relevant to the banking and financial industries.

Entry Requirements

A good Honours Degree (or its equivalent) from a British or overseas university in a relevant subject.

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Student Destinations

The programme is designed for those seeking careers in the banking or finance divisions of national and international corporations. Previous graduates from the programme have gone on to become bankers, stockbrokers, tax consultants and financial advisors with corporations across the globe.

Module Details

International Banking 1
International Finance

Two from:

    Capital Markets
    Corporate Finance
    Corporate Governance
    Development Economics 1
    International Banking & Financial Law

International Banking 2
Emerging Financial Markets
Research Methods

One from:

    Corporate Finance
    Current Topics in Investment Management
    Development Economics 2
    Research in Finance

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