  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    MA 1 year full-time, 2-4 years part-time

Course Description

Our Fine Art masters programme enables you to evaluate and develop your creative practice to the highest standards. It develops theoretical awareness, critical thinking and independent arts practice to a professional level.

The Fine Art masters course at UON facilitates critical debate between artists working within and across media areas including painting, photography, digital imaging, printmaking, sculpture, installation and site-specific art. Alongside your studio-based enquiry, you will undertake related research into the broader context of contemporary art practices and theoretical debates.


  • A personal studio space for each student enrolled on the Master’s in fine art course.
  • Access to comprehensive specialist resources with technical instruction and support, including one of the country’s leading printmaking workshops.
  • Research active staff with a range of specialisms, expertise and subject knowledge.
  • National and international level visiting speakers.
  • International study trips, typically one European option and one long-haul destination.

Entry Requirements

Applicants for Fine Arts masters will normally have an honours degree with a first or upper second classification in Fine Art. Under exceptional circumstances, other candidates will be considered. Applicants whose first language is not English may be required to demonstrate proficiency in written and spoken English.

Prospective students should present a portfolio of work together with supporting evidence that is representative of their current creative practice.

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Student Destinations

The Fine Art MA is excellent preparation for both professional, cultural environments and higher research study.

You may choose to pursue a PhD with us, through traditional or practice-led methodologies, and the fine art masters is a comprehensive and relevant foundation for such study.

Module Details

This MA Fine Art course has been designed to contribute towards achieving the following United Nations Sustainable Development Goals:

SDG11: Sustainable Cities and Communities

For both full and part-time students, the Fine Art Master’s course begins with two modules, ‘Fine Art Practice’ and ‘Extended Fine Art Practice and Research Methodologies.’ The module ‘Fine Art Practice’ will enable you to identify the practical and theoretical parameters of your studio practice. ‘Extended Fine Art Practice and Research Methodologies’ will provide you with a grounding in different research-based methods appropriate to Fine Art. During the first trimester, full-time MA Fine Art students will also be enrolled on ‘Interfacings,’ a module which examines the theoretical and cultural underpinnings of contemporary art.

During the second trimester, both full and part-time students will be enrolled on ’Fine Art Practice and Context,’ a 40-credit module that typically culminates in a public exhibition. At this point full-time students will also undertake ‘Independent Study in the Arts,’ a module which will enable you to undertake a project focused around a defined topic.

In the third trimester, full-time students will complete their final research project which will culminate in a public exhibition. Alternatively, students can submit a dissertation which will be 15-18,000 word in length. Over this trimester part-time Fine Art Master’s students complete the ‘Independent Study in the Arts’ module. When part-time students return in their second year of study, they will be enrolled on Interfacings in the first trimester and will then over the MA Fine Art course of the second and third trimesters complete their final research project.

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