  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    PgCert – 6 months ft, MSc 1 year ft

Course Description

Discover and contribute to a new era of digital molecular design

The practice of chemistry in academia and industry is being revolutionised by advances in automation, artificial intelligence, and big data.

This Master’s programme will equip you to navigate and contribute to emerging fields within chemistry and train the next generation of scientists that are greatly needed and currently in short supply.

It comprises modules that cover the theory and application of data science, machine learning and automation in a diverse range of areas within the chemical sciences.

From computational modelling allowing predictive insights into the behaviour of complex molecules and systems, to artificial intelligence and machine learning revolutionising our ability to predict reaction outcomes, you will explore recent developments across the field and gain sought-after skills.

These modules will be delivered online except for a single term research project module, which you can undertake either remotely or on campus.

Entry Requirements

Our minimum entry requirement is normally a 2.1 degree in chemistry, biochemistry or chemical engineering.

Applicants with a 2:1 degree in a data science related area, such as computing, applied mathematics and statistics, will be considered on a case by case basis.

Prior experience in programming, artifical intelligence or machine learning is not required.

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