
Msc Design for Business (part time)

  • DeadlineStudy Details: 1 Year Full-time 2 Years Part-time

Masters Degree Description

Design has a transformative effect on the world around us. This impact cuts across culture, business, the environment, and the economy. The course will give you an understanding of this impact and how you can shape it.

Using an interdisciplinary approach, the course will enable you to approach design strategically and enhance your knowledge and understanding of design management, service design, enterprise and entrepreneurship.

You will gain new perspectives on products and services, processes, new ways of working, managing innovation and stakeholders. By using design thinking and other design research methods to help understand and empathise with users, you will be able to make better informed business decisions, in marketing, organisational change and enhanced customer engagement.

You will study in Dundee, a UNESCO City of Design, a city rich in design heritage. The city is also home to the V&A Dundee, the only design museum in Scotland and the first V&A outside of London. We’ve developed the course in parallel with the professional Design for Business programme at the V&A Dundee, and you will take part in interactive workshops and briefs with them. You will also have the opportunity to be a part of a highly engaged design community through the School’s excellence in design research, industry relationships and a highly connected creative culture in the city.

Entry Requirements

A UK Upper Second-Class Honours (2:1) degree
Your degree should be in arts, design, humanities, social science, or business management related discipline. Applicants with other qualifications or relevant professional experience will also be considered.

You will need to submit a personal statement, of 500 words, with your application explaining:

Your motivation for undertaking the course

Why you are appropriate for this course (relevant skills and work experience)

What expectations you have of the course

How you feel the course will benefit you

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