  • DeadlineStudy Details: 1 Year Full-time 2 Years Part-time

Masters Degree Description

This course positions the writer as creative practitioner. Our guiding focus is the creative act of writing, rather than literary form. Tailored to recent graduates, as well as aspirational or established writers looking for a professional qualification, this course supports writers seeking opportunity to advance their craft and collaborate with peers within a multidisciplinary environment.

Writers will be supported to produce an extended creative writing project, alongside peers working across literary forms. Underpinned by workshops covering prose, poetry and scriptwriting, you will explore craft and technique, deepening your practice through exploration across discipline, form and genre. The aim is for you, the writer, to evidence that which is valuable to your ongoing creative development, to interrogate the breadth and depth of your literary tradition.

Writers will take advantage of their arts university setting, through engagement with experimental and hybrid writing forms, as well as col

Entry Requirements

Our postgraduate minimum requirements are:

  • A 2:2 undergraduate UK honours degree or international equivalent or;
  • A degree-equivalent postgraduate diploma/professional qualification.

Applicants who hold a degree from another discipline or have experiential learning in lieu of a degree may also be considered for entry via the Recognition of Prior Learning process (RPL).

For all postgraduate courses you will need:

  • To set up your portal
  • You will then be asked to submit a maximum of six examples of work from your portfolio for consideration. The files should be no larger than 30MB in total and it is essential that no more than six examples of work are uploaded.
  • One reference to support your application. This may be from an academic or a creative practitioner.

Applicants who meet the entry requirements above will be required to submit a personal statement outlining their intentions for MA study.

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Student Destinations

Writers will consider the range of roles required to further their career across the creative industries, academia, and the digital media sector, with focus on content development, editing, pitching, problem solving, project management and self-advocation.

Module Details

Our postgraduate courses include both specialist subject modules and transdisciplinary core modules. Both are underpinned by independent learning. You will be supported with a variety of teaching and learning methods, including individual supervision, group tutorials, live briefs and project proposals, as well as being encouraged to collaborate with students from other postgraduate courses.

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