
MA Contemporary Photography; Practices and Philosophies

  • DeadlineStudy Details: MA 2 years full-time

Course Description

Unlike many other photography courses, MA Contemporary Photography; Practices and Philosophies at Central Saint Martins is not committed to one notion of what photography is. Instead, it aims to provide you with the tools to locate your own practice within a broad range of contemporary art forms. On this course, you will nurture your practice by working with reference to a number of disciplines, including performance, installation, new media, fashion and site-specific work. You will explore the philosophy of the visual image as a melting pot of political, aesthetic and social concepts.

This course explores photography as a plural, transdisciplinary and multimedia global language. Situating photography at the core of contemporary visual art, the course integrates theory and practice. You will explore photography as a discipline which interlaces fine art, technology and new media. You will research photography as a universal language of contemporary cultures. These encompass the arts, the sciences and also the construction of personal identities. This course will provide you with the tools to work in fields related to artistic production and the extended creative industries.

A key objective of the course is to overcome the distinction between theory and practice and to offer an experience of deep integration of making and thinking. The course emphasises new media and post-internet approaches as the language of contemporary art practice. These are explored through theory seminars and workshops in physical computing, metadata, augmented reality and social media. The core activities of the course are the making, outward presentation and contextualisation of your work.

We are committed to developing ethical contemporary photography practices. To achieve this, we are working to embed UAL's Principles for Climate, Social and Racial Justice into the course.

Entry Requirements

The standard entry requirements for this course are as follows:

  • An honours degree 
  • Or An equivalent EU/international qualification.

AP(E)L – Accreditation of Prior (Experiential) Learning

Exceptionally applicants who do not meet these course entry requirements may still be considered. The course team will consider each application that demonstrates additional strengths and alternative evidence. This might, for example, be demonstrated by:

  • Related academic or work experience
  • The quality of the personal statement
  • A strong academic or other professional reference
  • Or a combination of these factors.

Each application will be considered on its own merit but cannot guarantee an offer in each case.

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For fees and funding information, please see website 

Student Destinations

Our postgraduate Art Programme offers valuable opportunities to build transferable professional knowledge and skills. The exchange of perspectives with others through shared units, reading groups and debates helps establish stimulating and productive networks.

The focus on proposing and developing a major independent programme of study is supported by a shared professional practice lecture series featuring guest speakers plus opportunities to attend symposia and critique work in progress across subject areas. The Postgraduate Art Programme has wide-ranging links with professional organisations, collections and galleries, and includes opportunities for interaction and networking according to your personal career direction.

MA Contemporary Photography; Practices and Philosophies explores photography as a visual language feeding into a wide range of professional arenas and related disciplines. MA Contemporary Photography; Practices and Philosophies graduates are equipped to work in the gallery world, fine art publishing, book publishing and advertising, in London and beyond. They may also progress academically to research (PhD study) and teaching. Equipped with industry and cultural knowledge, you'll leave us knowing your worth in the art and business worlds, at home in international gallery or commercial contexts and able to initiate substantial cultural projects.

Module Details

Unit 1: What is Practice? (In Photography)

Unit 1 on this course provides you with a detailed engagement with your practice through experimentation, questioning, play and dialogue. The unit is organised around several key components. The main aim of these is to provide you with the tools to exercise your curiosity and imagination in the realm of visual image. We will guide you to find your voice and signature style, allowing you to explore art, new media and technology.

Unit 2: Developing Practice and Research

This is a self-led unit of research which feeds into your work in progress and your research paper. You will develop your practice and research through a programme of crits. This programme will also include individual tutorials and seminars, focused around the development of your practice and research paper. Weekly seminars will also help you clarify your research interests. Experimental installs and crits will provide a space for negotiation of practice and for focusing your research.

Unit 3: Realisation of Practice and Research

Unit 3 is also a self-led unit of research and practice. It will culminate in the production of your work for show and dissemination. You will be supported in the production of a body of work for exhibition in whatever form. This unit is structured around weekly presentations and demonstrations of your work in progress supported by group crits and feedback. You will also have one-to-one and small group tutorials with course staff and visiting practitioners.

Important note concerning academic progression through your course: 

If you are required to retake a unit you will need to cease further study on the course until you have passed the unit concerned. Once you have successfully passed this unit, you will be able to proceed onto the next unit. Retaking a unit might require you to take time out of study, which could affect other things such as student loans or the visa status for international students. 

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