
MSc PG Dip PG Cert Construction Law & Dispute Resolution (Distance Learning)

  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    MSc/PGDip/PGCert Part-Time: Two to three years

Course Description

UCLan’s Construction Law distance learning programme is designed for non-UK based as well as for UK students who cannot attend classes. It addresses the international demand for engineers, architects and project managers, and other construction professionals such as quantity surveyors, to be skilled in preventing and resolving disputes in the construction industry. It combines electronic distance learning technology and materials including webinars to provide flexibility of learning to suit individual needs. The programme places emphasis on the application of the law in problem-solving and problem-avoidance situations within the context of a global construction industry. Widespread use is made of case study material and real-life scenarios, which will further develop your ability to formulate, propose and defend an argument. 

Entry Requirements

We normally request an upper second class honours degree from building services engineering disciplines however applicants with appropriate industry experience having lower qualifications or from related study themes deemed to be equivalent are considered subject to interview and successful completion of the additional modules.

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Module Details

Course content covered at the PGCert stage includes Legal Skills, Contractual Issues and European Competition and Procurement Law. 

The PGDip includes Tortious Issues, Dispute Resolution and then the option Environmental Law. 

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