
MusM Composition (Electroacoustic Music and Interactive Media)

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Masters Degree Description

Our MusM Composition (Electroacoustic Music and Interactive Media) master’s course provides an in-depth knowledge of cutting-edge compositional techniques, methodologies and associated aesthetics in creative work that intersects with technology and other artistic or scientific forms.

All teaching, research and compositional work is carried out in the NOVARS Research Centre for Electroacoustic Composition, Performance and Sound Art.

Opportunities for the performance of new works are offered using the 55-loudspeaker sound diffusion system of MANTIS (Manchester Theatre in Sound) and through events.

Acousmatic, mixed, live electronic and multimedia works are all possible, with composers able to incorporate the spatialisation of sound and interactive new game-audio media into the presentation of their work.

Entry Requirements

Applicants should hold a First or Upper Second Class Honours degree, or its overseas equivalent, in a relevant subject (normally Music, or with music as a substantial component of the programme). In some circumstances (i.e. applicants with a scientific background or experienced professionals in the composition field), we may consider appropriate alternative routes to entry.

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