  • DeadlineStudy Details: MBA 1 year full-time 2 years part-time

Course Description

Are you an experienced manager who wants to take your career to the next level with professional development? Then the Brunel MBA is for you.

Whether you want to advance your existing career, move to a new field, or start your own business, the Brunel MBA can give you the tools you need. Every aspect of the course is practical, fulfilling, integrated and, thanks to our world class teaching and research facilities, always relevant to today’s ever-changing business environment.

The Brunel MBA is a one year full-time or two year part-time course with three pathway options: The Brunel MBA, The Brunel MBA (Digital Innovation Management), and The Brunel MBA (Healthcare Management).

Entry Requirements

The Brunel MBA recruits managers and other professionals of high calibre, who can both benefit from and contribute to, an intellectually challenging management development programme.

Please note that the Admissions process for the MBA programme involves assessment in two stages:

Stage 1 - As part of the application process please provide documentary evidence to show:

  • A 2:1 (or above) UK Honours degree, or international equivalent.
  • A minimum of three years' full time work experience at managerial or professional level in managing people, budget or other resources following a degree. It is important for candidates to clarify that they have significant/focused sector experience with responsibility for people, budget, or other resources, which is supportable by official documentary evidence. Please supply a CV/resume as part of your application.
  • Copies of your English language qualification. (If you intend to take an English language test e.g. IELTS, or a pre-sessional English course please indicate this on your application.)

 Stage 2 - An interview will be conducted (via Skype or phone) with the MBA Programme Team. 

  • If an applicant has achieved a 2:2 degree and seven or more years of required senior managerial or professional level work experience, in managing people, budget, or other resources - this will be reviewed by the MBA Director on a case-by-case basis.
  • We welcome applicants from different industries, from both the private and public sector. Previous applicants from IT, healthcare, education, engineering, aviation and many more have been considered.
  • Please note - meeting the minimum entry requirements does not guarantee an interview, or a place on the programme.


For fees and funding options, please visit website to find out more

Student Destinations

As part of the MBA, students receive advice on all aspects of career planning, including a reassessment of their true strengths and weaknesses. This aspect of the MBA programme is invaluable to students who, having worked in managerial roles for a number of years, may now wish to evaluate their experience to date so that they can progress further, now and in the future.

As well as regular visits to companies for MBA students, many representatives from these companies also visit campus as part of the MBA guest speaker series, Let’s Talk Business. Companies like Barclays, IBM, Microsoft UK and Goldman Sachs have an ongoing relationship with the Brunel MBA, giving students the chance to network and work with them during campus visits.

Module Details


  • Operations Management
  • MB5523 Corporate and Business Finance
  • MB5525 Corporate and Competitive Strategy
  • MB5527 Leading People & Managing Organisations
  • MB5528 International Business
  • MB5601 Business Economics
  • MB5537 Business Project & Professional Portfolio
  • MB5538 Principles of Marketing


  • MB5526 Managing for the Future
  • MB5531 Healthcare Policy
  • MB5602 Managing Service Operations and Change in Healthcare
  • MB5530 Information Systems in Organisations
  • Managing Digital Technology and Innovation

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