
MSc Brewing and Distilling with Entrepreneurship

  • DeadlineStudy Details: 1 Year Full-time

Course Description

MSc Brewing and Distilling with Entrepreneurship is designed to provide students with high level education in brewing and distilling and key transferable professional skills which will provide entry to careers in these industries, including private entrepreneurial ventures.

Business practices and demands in brewing and distilling are changing rapidly.  Graduates of this programme will possess the skills to assess and address both technical and entrepreneurial challenges as they arise in the industry.

Our series of 'Fit for work' events held on campus include seminars, talks, networking and recruitment exercises and involve a range of industry professionals from graduates with their own companies, to representatives from the major breweries and distilling companies.

Entry Requirements

For MSc entry, candidates must hold a First or Second Class Honours Degree, or equivalent qualification from a British or overseas university, in a science or engineering subject (for example, Biological Sciences, Chemistry or Chemical/Mechanical Engineering).


See our website for fees

Module Details

MSc Brewing and Distilling with Entrepreneurship contains five mandatory courses in brewing/distilling/research preparation; two mandatory courses in entrepreneurship; and one optional course from related scientific/management disciplines. It includes a dissertation and this must contain or refer to some element of entrepreneurship/enterprise.

Core courses
Cereals, Malting and Mashing
Wort Boiling and Fermentation
Distilling and Whisky Maturation
Filtration and Packaging
Critical Analysis and Research Preparation
Entrepreneurship and Creativity
Entrepreneurial Venturing
Research project (MSc only)

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