
Faculty of Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare (FSRH)

FSRH, 10-18 Union Street, London, SE1 1SZ

University Information

Explore the Faculty of Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare (FSRH)

Empowering postgraduate students who are passionate about sexual and reproductive healthcare

Welcome to the Faculty of Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare (FSRH) – a leading member organisation dedicated to excellence in SRH education and training. Whatever stage you are at – we offer a comprehensive range of resources, training, and support tailored students, trainees and medical professionals.

About us

A faculty of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG), FSRH was established in 1993 and strives to promote high-quality SRH care, education, and research. With a strong commitment to evidence-based practice, we play a vital role in shaping SRH policies, guidelines, and standards in the UK and beyond.

Our offer to you

  • Education and training
    We offer a diverse range of education and training designed to enhance your knowledge and skills in SRH. Including contraception, abortion care, and menopause, our courses are delivered by experienced healthcare professionals and renowned experts in the field.
  • Member benefit
    Joining us as a member provides you with numerous advantages. Access to the latest SRH research, guidelines, and publications keeps you at the forefront of your learning and development. Engage in vibrant discussions through our online communities and gain insights from experienced practitioners. Membership also unlocks exclusive discounts on courses, events, and conferences.
  • Continuing Professional Development (CPD)
    We understand the importance of continuous learning. Our CPD framework supports your professional growth by offering a variety of educational resources, including e-learning modules, webinars, and conferences. Enhance your clinical skills, expand your theoretical knowledge, and stay updated with best practice.
  • Clinical Standards and Guidance
    As a leading authority in SRH, we develop and publish evidence-based clinical standards and guidance. Access to these resources ensures that you deliver the highest quality care and stay informed about the latest clinical protocols, policies, and recommendations to make well-informed decisions.
  • Research and Innovation
    We actively promote research in SRH and encourage students and trainees to contribute to the field. Engage with our research initiatives, collaborate with experts, and explore opportunities to present your work at national conferences.
  • Networking Opportunities
    Connect with like-minded professionals, mentors, and leaders in SRH through our extensive member network. Attend local and national events, workshops, and seminars to exchange ideas, share experiences, and build valuable connections. Engage with colleagues who share your passion for SRH and explore potential collaborations and career opportunities.
  • Advocacy and Policy
    We actively advocate for SRH issues at a national level, influencing policies and practices. By becoming involved, you can contribute to shaping the future of SRH healthcare and make a positive impact on the lives of individuals and communities. Participate in our advocacy campaigns, consultations, committees, and working groups to drive meaningful change.

Join us


Embrace the opportunity to expand your knowledge, skills, and impact in the field of sexual and reproductive healthcare through our Affiliate membership.

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We offer a variety of events across the year – delivered in-person, online or hybrid.

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Funding opportunities

Entry Level Scholarships – FSRH and Wellbeing of Women

We have joined Wellbeing of Women (WoW) to co-fund one Entry Level Scholarship (ELS) to provide a single candidate with up to £20,000 for research lasting normally up to one year. This is an exciting opportunity that enables us to support a healthcare professional at an early stage of their research career.

Our award will fund a pre-doctoral researcher in a basic science, clinical or translational research project in SRH, to improve evidence-based practice and ultimately lead to better outcomes for women and girls.

We are looking for applicants with project proposals aligned to access to abortion services, pre-conception care, reducing unplanned pregnancies, or access to long-acting reversible contraceptive (LARC) fitting. Funds are for directly incurred research costs and may include a salary contribution.

Submission deadline: 1pm, Thursday 11 July 2024 

Find out more and apply

Faculty of Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare (FSRH)