  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    MA 1 year full-time, 2 years part-time

Masters Degree Description

The United States is the most politically and economically influential country in the world and understanding its politics is more important than ever. This course allows you to study United States politics at an advanced level in a department ranked top in the UK for research excellence (REF 2014) and with an extraordinary number of staff trained in the US. One of the few United States-focused courses in the UK, the course allows you gain in-depth knowledge of the workings of the US political system—what makes it unique, how it has evolved, and how it is changing.

You receive a thorough training in the theories and methods needed to conduct your own research into United States politics – culminating in your dissertation on a topic that fascinates you and enhances your career. Your research skills will be in demand by a wide range of employers, including government, international organisations, policy analysis and market research. The course also prepares students for doctoral study. In this course, you will study a wide range of topics. The core module covers topics relating to the political institutions and policy-making in the United States including: The US Constitutional Design American Political Parties The American Electorate Congress and the Presidency Economic and Political Inequality Interest Groups Representation, Race and Gender Federalism and the Judiciary.

In addition, the course includes modules covering theory and explanation in political science and advanced research methods. Optional modules include such topics as international relations, foreign policy and the politics of Western democracies. With this course you also have the opportunity to study abroad at one of our partner institutions and achieve a dual award, which means you’ll receive two Masters degrees in two years.

Entry Requirements

We will consider all applicants with 2:2 or above, or equivalent international qualifications. For some courses, there may be additional requirements which can be found on our website

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Student Destinations

All Essex politics graduates have the distinction of a qualification from one of the world’s leading politics departments.

This course can lead you to a career in a number of areas such as public policy and international affairs — including government agencies and international NGOs — journalism and the media, and many private sector areas such as market research, consulting and international business. You’ll develop key employability skills including analytical reasoning, quantitative data analysis methods, research design and professional writing.

Recent graduates have gone on to work for the following high-profile organisations:

  • The Civil Service
  • The World Bank
  • The United Nations
  • NATO
  • YouGov and YouGov America

Our academic reputation is illustrated by the fact that many of our graduates now teach or research at universities, colleges of higher education and schools. For example, recent graduates are now research fellows and academic staff at: Mannheim, Germany; ETH Zurich, Switzerland; Duke University, USA; NATO/SHAPE, Belgium; and University of Amsterdam, Netherlands.

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