
MSc PG Dip PG Cert Transforming Integrated Health and Social Care

  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    MSc/PgDip/PgCert: 3 years part-time (can take the course more slowly, over 5 years)

Course Description

This MSc has been directly tailored to address the pressing need to confront contemporary issues in relation to the integration of health and social care. The course seeks to explore the inherent challenges in transforming health and social care policy and practice and is suitable for those individuals who hold strategic positions within organisations as well as individual health and social care professionals who wish to learn more about how to enhance care.

Entry Requirements

A recognised British honours degree of 2.2 or above, or its equivalent, in a relevant subject from an approved institution of higher education.

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Module Details

The course is divided into a number of modules, some of which are core and others which are options.  The core modules are worth 120 credits:

SW4707 Leadership for Innovation or Integration
NU4084 Transforming Integrated Health and Social Care
NU4025 Introduction to Post Graduate Research
NU4053 Dissertation

Indicative optional modules include:

MW4201 Health and Wellbeing
MW4202 Principles of Sustainability
NU4013 Deconstructing Practice
NU4085 Therapeutic Relationships
EZ4009 Values, Ethics and Mental Health
HI4000 Postgraduate and Professional Study Skills
HI4004 Informatics for Health and Social Care
HI4007 Quality Assurance for Health and Social Care
HI4008 Comparative Study of National Health and Social Care Systems
MW4036 Organisational Leadership and Management
MW4200 Connecting Sustainability Health and Wellbeing
NU4068 Transcultural Health and Social Care
NU4075 Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults International Context
NU4086 Applying Methods in Health Research
NU4087 Inspiring Education
HP4006 Research ethics and Governance
HP4007 Student Initiated Module
PG4114 Health and Sustainable Settings: Theory, Policy and Practice

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