
PG Dip Theoretical and Practical Clinical Neuropsychology

  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    PgDip: 1 year full-time, 2 years part-time

Masters Degree Description

Professional programmes in Clinical Neuropsychology have been offered at the University of Bristol since 2010. The programmes are delivered in partnership with North Bristol NHS Trust, which includes a large regional neurosciences and major trauma centre. Our clinical programmes aim to engage and inspire clinicians to enhance their skills in Clinical Neuropsychology and support entry on to the British Psychological Society’s (BPS) Specialist Register of Clinical Neuropsychologists (SRCN). This diploma is designed to support the adult knowledge and practice component of the competency requirements for advanced training in clinical neuropsychology.

This diploma is similar to our MSc in Clinical Neuropsychology and delivers both the knowledge component and practice component which support entry to the SRCN. However, it allows you to bring forward learning and case experience from your DClin in order to streamline and accelerate the postdoctoral training required to enter the SRCN. To be eligible to apply to this degree, you must be studying a DClin at a UK University which has a collaborative agreement with the University of Bristol. You can find a list of collaborating institutions on our website.

Entry Requirements

Applicants must be registered as a Clinical Psychologist with the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC). Applicants must be studying or have studied on an approved degree from one of our collaborating institutions (for the list of collaborating DClin programmes please see the School of Psychological Sciences website).

In order to meet BPS accreditation requirements, applicants must pass an online entrance assessment set by the University of Bristol. The pass mark for the online assessment is 50%. Applicants must be able to provide evidence of a minimum of six months’ practice experience plus at least one case report (maximum of two) formally undertaken within the prior training programme of our collaborating institution. Please note: the first stage of application is to submit an Expression of Interest form to the School at

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