  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    MSc/PgDip/PgCert: 1 year full-time, minimum 2 years part-time

Course Description

The MSc Sports Coaching degree is the new programme developed to support the strategic objectives outlined in the UK Coaching Framework. Sports Coach UK have provided the strategy for the UK to be considered the number one coaching system in the World by 2016. Our challenge is to support this and produce postgraduates with a high degree of knowledge and understanding so that they can challenge and innovate their own coaching practice. This will require knowledge of leadership, communication, pedagogy, allied sport sciences and relevant management principles. Students will be afforded the opportunity to work in an environment relevant to their developmental needs.

Entry Requirements

Students require a good honours degree (or equivalent) in which a major part of their studies has incorporated aspects of sports coaching or related disciplines (e.g. sport science). Other graduates who can demonstrate a commitment to the study of sport or who have significant experience in the sport industry will also be considered for entry

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Student Destinations

Graduates from the course have obtained positions within the public, private or voluntary sector of sport in a range of coach, coach development, coach education, coach mentoring, management and academic roles. Examples include:

Lecturers at FE/HE colleges: Myerscough College, Burnley College, Accrington and Rossendale College.
Football Coach / Coach Educator: Beijing International Junior Football League.
Norwich City Community Sports Foundation: Football Coach.
Head Coach Great Britain & England men’s hockey team.
Performance Analyst: Preston North End Football Club / Blackburn Rovers Football Club / Fleetwood Town Football Club.
Cricket Coach at Twenty20 Cricket Company
Multi Sports Coach/Sports Co-ordinator for National Deaf Children Society.
Head Swim Coach / Coach Educator – North West Swimming.
National Player Development Manager, Rugby Football League.
England Regional Performance Coach with The Rugby Football League.
Lecturers at UCLan / Salford University
PhD Students at UCLan

Module Details

PG Cert
  • Philosophy to Practice (Compulsory) 40 Credits
  • Contemporary Practice in Sport (Compulsory) 40 Credits
PG Dip
  • Research Methods in Sport (Compulsory) 20 Credits
  • Analysis of Coaching and Performance  (Compulsory) 20 Credits

  • Dissertation for Sport (Compulsory) 60 Credits

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