  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    MRes 1 year full-time, 2 years part-time

Masters Degree Description

Why study this course

This Sport and Exercise Science MRes degree will provide you with a unique combination of research and teaching in higher education as you explore a research project in the area of sport and exercise science. The second element of the course is a teaching thread, in the first module you’ll discuss teaching and learning in higher education, followed by 120 hours of shadowing teachers and assisting them with taught higher education modules in sport and exercise science.

More about this course

The course is designed to provide a framework which will support you in working on a self-directed programme of research. The degree places an emphasis on research methods developed from sport and exercise science and will introduce you to current debates on the nature of research and knowledge in relation to current teaching practice. You will develop advanced skills in writing proposals, reflective reports and essays to develop modes of writing as exploratory and communicative modes for practice.

Sport and exercise science research areas include physiology, biomechanics and performance analysis. Your degree would usually focus on one of these areas, but we welcome cross-discipline research projects.

Upon graduating you could pursue postgraduate study such as MPhil or PhD, or embark on a career in research and/or lecturing roles within higher education. You will be encouraged and supported to attend at least one relevant conference and produce at least one publishable paper.

Entry Requirements

You will be required to have a minimum upper second-class degree in the same relevant subject area as your MRes project topic. An application and interview will be required.

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Module Details

Example modules include:

  • Advanced Project Skills
  • Research and statistics
  • Project HE
  • Work placement
  • Facilitating Student Learning (FSL)

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