
MA Social Science Research (Socio-Legal Studies)

  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    MA 1 year full-time, 2 years part-time

Masters Degree Description

Our Social Science Research (Socio-Legal Studies) MA is aimed at students who want to follow an ESRC-funded pathway onto a PhD or are interested in developing a wide range of social science research techniques.

You will develop the following skills:

  • Comprehension of the principles of research design and strategy, including understanding how to formulate research questions for empirical investigation
  • Appreciation of alternative approaches to research
  • Understanding of a broad range of research methods and the use of appropriate software for their application
  • Advanced research skills and techniques
  • Research management techniques, including data management, and conducting and disseminating research
  • Understanding of the significance of alternative epistemological positions that provide the context for theory construction, research design, and the selection of
  • appropriate analytical techniques
  • Solid grounding in the basics of probability and a critical understanding of the scientific method and the nature of reflexivity
  • Application of good ethical practice

Entry Requirements

2.1 (or international equivalent) in a relevant subject in the arts, humanities, or social sciences

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Student Destinations

This course is particularly suitable if you are interested in pursuing PhD study in the social sciences. It may also be useful if you are looking to pursue a career in a statistical or quantitative discipline, such as analysis or planning roles.

90.5% of postgraduates from the School of Law secured graduate level employment or further study within 15 months of graduation. The average annual salary for these graduates was £27,658.

Module Details

Core modules

  • Foundations in Qualitative Methods
  • Fundamentals of Quantitative Analysis
  • Philosophy of Social Science Research
  • Research Design, Practice and Ethics
  • Research Methods in Law
  • Dissertation

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