  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    MA: 1 year full-time, 2-3 years part-time

Course Description

Social Policy has been defined as the study of the collective and individual procedures through which people gain access to life-enhancing and sustaining experiences such as education, health care, housing, income during periods of cessation and interruption of earnings, and the care associated with the loss of autonomy and independence. UCLan’s MA Social Policy postgraduate degree will be of benefit to professionals working in the world of social welfare, to graduates in Social Policy or a related discipline, and to the interested citizen. There are core modules in poverty and social inequality; comparative social policy and social change; social theory and social policy; the making of social policy; introduction to social research. Newly-introduced modules include a work placement module: social policy in practice, with an alternative choice of a reflecting on policy and practice module for those students already in work who may wish to focus analysis on their current professional role.

Entry Requirements

Applicants would normally have a first degree at Honours Classification 2:2 or above in Social Policy or a related discipline such as Economics, Health Studies, History, Politics or Sociology. Exceptionally, consideration will also be given to applicants with a first degree of Honours Classification of 2:2 or above in other disciplines.

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Module Details

Students are required to complete six taught, single modules, all of which are compulsory, together with a triple module dissertation or a research topic of the student’s choice (after discussion with a member of staff). There is one optional choice, in that students must choose either Social Policy in Practice or Reflecting on Policy, Politics and Practice.

  • Poverty and Social Inequality
  • Comparative Social Policy
  • The Making of Social Policy
  • Social Policy in Practice OR
  • Reflecting on Policy, Politics and Practice
  • Social Theory and Social Policy
  • Introduction to Social Research
  • Dissertation

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