  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    PGCE 1 year full-time course.

Masters Degree Description

Our one-year Postgraduate Certificate in Education (PGCE) prepares you to teach the secondary school drama curriculum for the 11-16 age range. 

You’ll learn about the theories and practical methods that form the basis of drama education. You’ll look at developments in drama education over the past hundred years. You’ll research the work of key practitioners and explore key issues such as the role of drama in school, drama and culture, drama and democracy, the making of theatre through devising, and script work.   

We teach most of our sessions through practical demonstration and you’ll study mainly with your PGCE drama group, however, because drama relies on collaboration there will be opportunities to work with colleagues in other subject areas as well.  

You’ll experiment with ways in which drama is used as a teaching tool across the whole school curriculum to support literacy and numeracy or to bring history to life.  

You’ll also consider how to plan lessons, reflect on your planning, learn how research can develop your teaching practice, and look at ways to develop your teacher persona.  

Entry Requirements

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