
MRes Reproductive Science and Women’s Health

  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    MRes 1 year full-time, 2 years part-time, 5 years flexible

Masters Degree Description

UCL EGA Institute for Women’s Health brings together the expertise of clinicians and researchers from a diverse range of disciplines so that they can deliver excellence and innovation in research and clinical practice. This MRes gives you the opportunity to take a programme with greater emphasis on research skills and experience, and on development of transferable academic and professional skills.

You will choose taught modules and select research areas from a variety of subjects across reproductive science and women’s health, spanning the four themes of the Institute: maternal and fetal health; neonatology; women’s cancer; and reproductive health. You will learn how to conduct an independent research project, as well as gaining practical experience and theoretical understanding in research methodologies and critical analysis.

Who this course is for

The programme is suitable for medical, science and nursing students who wish to gain a theoretical grounding in reproductive science and women’s health and develop the skills required by today’s science and clinical staff, working in academic, biomedical, and clinical environments.

Entry Requirements

To be eligible for registration, normally a candidate must have obtained a minimum of an upper second-class Bachelor’s degree in a relevant science-based discipline, or a medical qualification (MBBS) from a UK university or an overseas qualification of an equivalent standard.

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For fees and funding options, please visit website to find out more

Programme Funding

UCL offers a range of financial awards aimed at assisting both prospective and current students with their studies.

Student Destinations

The programme will equip you with the general and scientific skills required to embark on careers in research and related fields.

We offer a comprehensive careers programme involving our alumni covering general careers in science and specific advice on careers in embryology, clinical genetics, medicine and research degrees.


The programme provides you with an excellent introduction to research and prepares students for progression to higher research degrees or more advanced work in their particular field. It will enhance knowledge and awareness of the many issues relevant to reproductive science and women’s health. Previous students have gone on to work in a wide variety of fields; charity, regulatory, research, FemTech, clinical scientists, etc.

There is a strong focus on the development of key skills in the programme. In addition, we offer a comprehensive careers programme involving our current staff and alumni; covering general careers in science and specific advice on careers in reproductive science and women’s health.

Module Details

Compulsory modules

  • Research Project in Women’s Health

Optional modules

  •  Organogenesis and Fetal Development
  •  Preimplantation Genetic Testing and Developing Technology
  •  Prenatal Diagnosis and Screening
  •  Reproductive Health
  •  Pregnancy and Childbirth
  •  Medical Genetics
  •  Fertility and Infertility: Science and Society
  •  Female Reproductive Anatomy Physiology and Pathology
  •  Breast and Reproductive Cancers
  •  Basic Genetics and Technology
  •  Understanding Research in Women’s Health
  •  Concepts and Controversies in Women’s Health
  •  Legal and Ethical Aspects of Women’s Health

Please note that the list of modules given here is indicative. This information is published a long time in advance of enrolment and module content and availability are subject to change.

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