
Religious Education by Distance Learning (Credl)

  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    Cert: 12 months part-time

Course Description

This online programme has been specifically designed to provide students with the requisite understanding of the main tenets of Catholic Christian theology. Students will also learn about the Catholic vision of education and the methodology appropriate to Catholic religious education in primary and secondary schools. Please note, while open to all, this programme has been designed for Catholic teachers wishing to teach Religious Education in Catholic schools. Successful completion of the programme by Catholic teachers will result in the award of the Catholic Teacher’s Certificate (CREDL). An Award in Religious Understanding (CREDL) is presented to anyone else completing the programme. The Catholic Teacher’s Certificate (CREDL) is recognised by the Bishops of Scotland as a preliminary qualification in Catholic religious education.


  • The Certificate in Religious Education by Distance Learning (along with the necessary church approval) will allow you to teach in Catholic schools.
  • It will provide you with the requisite understanding of the main tenets of Catholic Christian theology, the Catholic vision of education and the methodology appropriate to Catholic religious education.
  • This programme is also recommended if you are a qualified teacher and want to re-visit your understanding of these issues as part of Continuing Professional Development (CPD).
  • It can be completed concurrently with a BEd or PGDE programme and the MA Primary Education in Dumfries, (or subsequently on completion of any of these programmes).
  • CREDL is the University of Glasgow route for qualified teachers or students studying an ITE programme at other universities.

Entry Requirements

You must hold a teaching qualification or be a student on a programme of initial teacher education.

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