
MA Professional Practice in PE and School Sport

  • DeadlineStudy Details:

    MA – Part Time, 3 Years

    MA – Full Time, 2 Years

Masters Degree Description

What is Professional Practice in PE and School Sport MA?

This course is designed for students who are embedded within professional practice in a physical education or school sports setting, to develop expertise and knowledge to enhance their teaching practice. Content delivery is entirely online, with a timetable structured, as much as possible, around the constraints of the school day, to ensure accessibility for active practitioners based anywhere in the country.

This is a Physical Education program unlike any other to help and engage teachers to develop and enhance their practice.

Physical education is key to developing in children a lifelong engagement with sport and physical activity, encouraging them to enjoy the many benefits that come from an active lifestyle, such as increased motivation, confidence and fitness levels. On this course, you’ll work with fellow practitioners using cutting-edge expertise and research to enhance your skills and knowledge and to develop your own teaching practices.

Study Style

Study embraces the diverse opportunities available via online learning, adopting both synchronous and asynchronous modes of delivery. We recognise the imperative for collaborative, social learning and use technology to enable an excellent learning environment.

You’ll be assessed by written assignments, research projects, presentations and reflective writing – relating theory to your own practice. You’ll be encouraged to draw from your own teaching context when engaging in research. You’ll be supported by experienced teachers and active researchers in fields around contemporary issues and developing practice in professional environments.

Entry Requirements

You should hold at least a  2.2 Bachelors degree with honours.


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