This programme will enable you to acquire knowledge and understanding of central normative concepts, theories and ideas, the debates they have generated, and their implications for public policy, institutional design and the law. This interdisciplinary approach is supported by the close cooperation fostered by the interdisciplinary Centre for Ethics, Law and Public Affairs (CELPA), which is situated in PAIS but which also includes members from Law, Philosophy and Sociology.
This programme provides an advanced education in normative issues that will prepare you for doctoral study that includes normative inquiry, and will give you a wide range of experience and skills in critical thinking and analysis that will be attractive to employers.
For fees and funding options, please visit website to find out more
We offer a variety of postgraduate funding options for study at the University of Warwick, from postgraduate loans, university scholarships, fee awards, to academic department bursaries.
Graduates from these courses have gone on to work for employers including: Action Aid; World Bank; UN agencies; UK and other universities; Deloitte; Office for National Statistics; Japan Ministry of Defence; Nationwide Building Society; Reddit; European Social Survey; the European Central Bank; and the UK Cabinet Office. They have pursued roles such as: communications officer for major NGOs; business and financial project manager; economist; finance officer; policy advisor; compliance analyst; data analyst; advisor in human rights; local council officer; and union campaigner.
Core modules
Optional modules can vary from year to year. Example optional modules may include:
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